

Everyone for himself – but not alone

No travel in convoy!

Rented or own motorhome



Roll-On / Roll-Off Shipping

Road Insurance

More than 10.000 shippings

Since 1997 SeaBridge has shipped more than 10.000 motorhomes overseas.


No rented motorhome can replace the comfort of your own motorhome, which has been set up to suit your personal needs. In addition, it is difficult to see why you should rent a motorhome for a lot of money while your own camper is unused at home.

Roll-on / roll-off is considered the safest and most cost-effective form of maritime transport. RO / RO ships only accept rolling cargo, which is driven into the ship’s interior via a ramp.

The motorhome can be shipped fully equipped!


You can also get to know us personally. We are represented at the most important camping fairs in the area and always have an open ear for you.

In spring and autumn our SeaBridge customer meetings take place in Bad Dürrheim & Bad Königshofen. Here we offer you multi-vision shows on our motorhome tours as well as lectures on shipping your motorhome. For personal advice, you can find our tour guides and office staff at our stand in front of the lecture hall.

Everyone is free of charge and welcome without registration.


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